A Night In The ASYLUM

A new podcast has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart with souls like mine.

Hosted ByLoretta James & Kathrine Blank

Join us in the Tech Asylum for tech gadget reviews and the frustrations that sometimes drive us crazy!!

Darren Nye & Jen Aczualdez are LIVE in the Tech Asylum Tuesdays 8:00pm-9:00pm Eastern – introducing a tech topic to listeners, ranting about how it makes them want to pull their hair out, and ways to use or abuse the devices they are reviewing. From office politics, to TV remote controller collections, sex with Alexa Echo and getting hot with EcoBee, you’re sure to get a laugh while learning about how you too can fake it till you make it … as a tech guru. Join the fun as Darren and Jen share a cocktail & creampuff, take your calls and poke fun at life and the gadgets that are supposed to make our lives easier.

Listening LIVE requires a subscription to any DNR Studios show at $6.95 per month, which gives you access to a slew of programming from many different broadcasters. The LIVE show can be played directly from www.dnrstudios.com/techasylum/play or www.dnrstudios.com/play/live but you must be LOGGED IN as a subscriber. LIVE listeners can call-in Tuesdays 8-9pm at 844-TALK DNR [844-825-5367]! Subscribers also have access to a Private URL where they can listen LIVE on their favorite podcast app!

You can also Listen FREE to shows after they are posted to our free feed, 1.5 weeks after the show originally airs live, by simply subscribing to our free feed below, or listening on our website:

Last but not least, you can also send us voicemail at any time, by dialing 917-900-1477, then press 1, for the Tech Asylum! Your message MAY be played on-air at a future time! If you’d rather email, send us you comments to dilbert@techasylum.radio.

If you have a topic suggestion or you’d like to volunteer as a guest tech expert on the show, or you have a tech product you’d like us to review, send us a summary of your idea and/or credentials to dilbert@techasylum.radio.