S4 E5: DNR 3.0, Weed Foods and Bean Bags

Darren and Rafi’s first show without Jen! Oh that makes us DnR (3.0?). Rafi tells us about his first two weed foods: his first was a gummy bear – joyful and laughable. His second was a weed brownie – which resulted in paranoia. Darren’s first experience with pot was sitting in a hearse with about 4 other friends, 25 some years ago. Rafi’s wildest cycedelic experience was mushrooms. Darren gave a hard pass on the hallucinogenics. But neither Rafi or Darren would rule out ayahuasca retreat. Rafi gives us more details about his first date with Bean Bag and even shows us pictures on Rafi’s cell (https://bit.ly/asylumlive). Oh and there’s Rafi’s latest attempt to pick up a San Fran visitor man in a NYC crosswalk. But no reply back to Rafi (daaaaang). Rafi tells us he’s not a gold star gay, because he came out of his mothers canal. On that note! See you next week!

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