S4 E14: Happy Daddy Day Darren
Darren questions why Rafi isn’t sitting on his lap for Father’s Day. Rafi changes the subject and questions what happened to Whiskers (Jen’s new pet name). Darren compliments Rafi’s...
S4 E13: Used Jockstraps
Darren N Rafi return for another duo episode of DNR 3.0, while Jen is partying in Guadalajara. Rafi apparently won’t be hitching a ride on the Alaska cruise at...
S4 E12: Who’s the Daddy Now!?
Jen suggests stuffing our next pet and figuring out the best position. Darren serves drinks next to his pet’s bones. Rafi skin gets fried in Miami Beach before his...
S4 E11: It’s the JARF Show!
Jen Aczualdez (JA) and Rafi Fuentes (RF) (aka: JARF show) reminisce about their latest NYC party gathering with entertainers at La Pulperia in Hells Kitchen, where Jen discovered Rafi’s...
S4 E10: DNR 3.0 it’s all about Rafi
Darren N Rafi (DNR) thought it was going to be just the two of them, but then Jen pops into the episode before Rafi does! Rafi catches us up...
S4 E9: Darren’s hair fire, Rafi’s sex[y] videos and Jen likes it swallowable
Darrens niece Heather calls in to report on Darrens hair fire this weekend during the BBQ. Whiskers (Jen) is stuck in traffic so dials into the show. Jen shares...
S4 E8: Darren’s surgery, Corpse Rafi and Catfish
Rafi catches us up with his latest casting offer – to be a corpse. Jen reads the email notification from the director; Rafi tries but fails to re-enact his...
S4 E7: Maldives Trip, Rafi’s Erections, and more!
The trio returns after a long break of mixed vacations and business travel. Darren and Jen start the show with Jen remote on her cell phone, and Rafi connecting...
S4 E6: Haunted Houses, Anal Condoms and Jose Cuervo audition
It’s the DnR 3.0 show again with Darren and Rafi, as Jen is too hung over to get to the microphone. Poor Jen. Hear about their trip to West...
S4 E5: DNR 3.0, Weed Foods and Bean Bags
Darren and Rafi’s first show without Jen! Oh that makes us DnR (3.0?). Rafi tells us about his first two weed foods: his first was a gummy bear –...
S4 E4: Getting to know Rafi Fuentes
Jen give us an update on her resignation from Company A and how they would welcome her back, if Company B doesn’t work out. Darren has many questions for...
S4 E15: Pampering Yourself & Squirting
The trio is back to talk about Hair (in the ears, nose, eyebrows) and Nails (dirty black nails at the salon, matte polish pedicures for men). Rafi catches us...